35 Min Ascending Ladder Anaerobic Lactate

- 5 min easy warm up
- 30 sec moderate-high @ RPE 8
- 30 sec recovery @ RPE 1-2
- Repeat for a total of 3 rounds
- 5 min rest interval @ RPE 1-3
- 1 min moderate-high @ RPE 7
- 1 min recovery @ RPE 1-2
- Repeat for a total of 3 rounds
- 7 min rest interval @ RPE 1-3
- 1 min 30 sec moderate-high @ RPE 6
- 1 min 30 sec recovery @ RPE 1-2
- Repeat for a total of 3 rounds
Goal: This workout is a progression from our previous anaerobic lactate workouts (18 Min Descending Ladder Anaerobic Lactate, 30 min Long Duration Intervals Anaerobic Lactate). The working intervals build from 30 seconds to 1 minute and 30 seconds thus challenging the user to maintain the same high level of exertion as one becomes fatigued. This VersaClimber workout is directed toward athletes looking to push their anaerobic threshold or exercise enthusiasts looking to test their cardiovascular fitness.

when are live classes starting?
Hello Dave,
Thank you for your question. Regarding LIVE classes we are on schedule to launch the end of Dec early Jan.
We are very excited to offer to everyone. Thank you for continued patience while get the last of the details in order.
I am so excited to start online classes. I just bought a versaclimber and I need the classes to get exercising.
Thank you
We are excited too! Just a little longer until we go LIVE with our virtual classes. Thank you for your business and owning the original total body cardio climber VersaClimber, since 1981.
When are your classes
Hello – we are just weeks away now before going LIVE with our virtual classes. Thank you for the follow up. Stay tuned and check your email for weekly updates as we begin the count down.