Maintenance & Service
Key Maintenance Points

Wipe down the main post, base and side rails with a rag and non-solvent, non-ammonia cleaning solution.
Wipe down post, painted surfaces and base with a very thin layer of AIM lubricant. This helps to remove corrosive sweat while adding protective barrier.

Hand check quick-release handle bushings, which the handles lock into, on both sides to make sure they are tight.

Check oil level in top reservoir, it should be at least 3/4 full--this should never dip below. (Excludes fixed resistance models)
If oil level is low, fill using 80/90 gear oil. Oil level should remain at 3/4 full.
If you notice the oil has turned dark or black, this is normal. Oil never has to be changed.

Check bottom chain for looseness; with the pedals level, you should be able to push the chain in about 1/4 inch.
If the chain pushes in more than this, then the chain is loose and will need to

Wipe off the top and bottom chains and put a very light coat of light grease (AIM Grease) on chain. Using a toothbrush or firm paint brush, apply grease on exposed chain.
When relubing or applying grease, use Planet Safe Lubricants. Please visit to purchase.